
Alien In The Room Reloaded

- Mart 20, 2006
Daha önce oynamış olduğumuz Alien In The Room oyununun farklı bir versiyonu olan bu oyunda Alien adlı uzaylı dostumuza uzay gemisinden kaçmasına yardım ediyoruz. Etrafı dikkatlice araştırıp gerekli nesneleri ve ipuçlarını bulup kullanarak oyunu bitirmeğe çalışıyoruz. Listedeki nesneleri kullanmak için tutup kullanmak istediğimiz yere götürmemiz gerekiyor.
Oynamak için tıklayın

12 yorum


İlkini çok sevmiştim bakalım bu nasılmış.


dön dolaş sonuç yok.kapıları açıyorum ama.elimde bıçak var. ama ne işe yaradığını anlamadım.kağıt var bir de yardım için.ama nasıl arayacağız ki adamı


ya arkadaşlar dön dolaş kafam döndü bişe yok ayrıca bir sürü şekil var ve bazılarına dokununca yeşil oluyo ama ne işe yaradıklarını bulamadım uffff ya yardımcı olurmusunuz...


oynayan yokmu arkdaslar bıcaktan baska birsey yok


yerlerdeki kutularında üstüne tıklayınca açılıyor ve içinden kapıyı açacağını düşündüğüm kart çıktı. ama kapıyı bulamadım


küçük şekile dokunup yeşil yandığında aynı şekildeki büyük kapı açılıyo ama başka bi kapıyı açtığında orası kapanıyo çok karışık ben bi odaya girdim bıçakla iki tane kutu vardı onu kestim içinden su çıktı ayrıca diğer odalardan puzzle parçaları aldım bi de küçük adam heykeli aldım çok karışık ama yaa...


ya oynayan yokmu yaaa ben bi odada kablo da buldum bu arada...hadi pes etmeyin :)


arkadaslar bende sabahtan beri oynuyorum elimde bir bicak birde ikinci kart anahtar var birincisini oyun basinda kullandik.
yerde numara yazili kagit ki bu oyunu acip kapadikca degisen bir numara odalarin en sonuna gidince bir kart call me 447563 yaziyor
bende buraya kadar geldim


evet ya herkes aynı yerde kaldı ya bi türlü ilerlemiyo:(


Click the "Hint-Ninja" - He'll gives you a lasergun - shot the button on the left side on the wall.

Click the "Hint-Ninja" - He'll gives you a rocket launcher - shot the door.

Go out of the room. Go back into it and remember the Phone Number (Call me).

Make a map, you'll easier find the rooms later, and note the telephone-numbers and the signs.

Go right twice, you'll find a keycard in the flowerpot.
Right - up to the 2nd floor.
5 times right - use the keycard - up to the 3rd floor.
2 times left - you'll find a keycard under the left cover.
go left and then up to the 4th floor.
1 time left, pick up the telephone-number (Ninja)
3 times left and up to the 5th floor.
3 times left, click the sign, a door will open.
3 times left, down to the 4th floor. (yes the floors are circled)
one time left -> take the knife from the flowerpot
one time left - go into the room -> cockpit

In the cockpit under the left cover is a cable, take it. Right beneath the computer-monitor lies a puzzle-piece, take it also (you have to collect 8 of these, in each room one).

Leave the cockpit, go down to the first floor and go once right, and push the key there. Go upstairs to the 5th floor again, there 2 times right, and go into the generator room.

In the generator room, you take the cable an connect it to the generator (on the left side). There are two columns, behind them you'll find once a puzzle-piece and once a telephone number (Don Vito Smith). Swith the generator on.

Then go out of the room, 2 times left, down to the 4th floor, one time right, push the key - 1 time left and up to the 5th floor. There you go 2 times left - and into the room with the telephone.

The puzzle-piece is on the table at the left. Call the Ninja (he'll gives you the name of the planet - n00b) and Don Vito Smith (he'll gives you a coool gun). The cool gun opens the doors, when you shoot at them, it safes you a lot of time, not searching for the keys.

Go down to the 1st floor (shot all doors open on your way) you'll find different rooms: The Generator Room and the Telepone at the 5th floor.

The Cockpit (the computer shows you Galagle - planet n00b gives you the coordinates you'll need later) and a room with two tables and a picture at the 4th floor (the puzzle lies at the left table).

On the 3rd floor in the living room there is the puzzle under the right couch, use the keycard there. The picross lookes like that (thx to eme):


you'll get a seed. And there's a room with a "yin-yan-door" at the 3rd floor too (puzzle on the right table).

On the 2nd floor stands an alien. There's a room with two boxes too. The right box (use the knife) gives you the water. At the left side of this box (between box and wall) is a batterie. Between the two lockers is the puzzle. In the last locker is a suit.

On the first floot - 2 times right, shot the door open, at the left side behind the spares you'll find one puzzle-piece. (That's the EXIT-Room.) You should now have 8 Puzzle-Pieces.

up to the 5th floor to the telephone-room. On your way, plant the seed in a flowerpot an water it. You'll get a flower. Call the "Call Me"-Girl - gie her the flower, you'll get sunglasses.

Down to the 4th floor, with the two tables and the clear picture. Use the sunglasses - note the code.

Up to the 5th floor - there is a robot. Give him the batterie. Open it, Type the code and "enter", you'll get a keycard.

Go to the room with the "yin-Yan-Door". Use the keycard. Take the red pill. Give the pill to the alien on the 2nd floor. He'll give you another keycard.

Use this keycard at the 5th floor. Solve the puzzle - you have 60 seconds left after the puzzle gives you the exit-key. Run down to the 1st floor, open the door, give the computer the coordinates you got from Galagle. And win!!


hiç beyenmedim kalitesiz bir oyun..



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